More from UN DESA - May 2022
Forum to advance safe and regular migration for sustainable development
In 2020, approximately 281 million people were international migrants. As COVID-19 ravaged across the world, they were among those groups most impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, through increased risk of infection, limited access to health services and social protection, job losses or extended family separation.
The essential roles that many migrants played as front-line service providers, pivotal actors in our supply chains and crucial sources of support for their families and communities have been recognized in many countries.
Transforming energy commitments into action
The energy and climate crises are surging. The next big step in mobilizing action and support for the critical transition to clean, affordable energy and net-zero emissions is taking place on 4 May 2022 with the launch of the UN-Energy Plan of Action and the Energy Compact Action Network. The launch aims to realize the commitments made in connection with the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy in September 2021 and its outcome, the Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG 7 Action.
Upcoming report examines economic fallout from the war in Ukraine
UN DESA’s World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2022, set to be released on 18 May 2022, will delve into the multitude of local, regional, and global economic consequences of the current war in Ukraine.
UN Forum with a mission to sustainably manage the world’s forests
Every year, forest policymakers, experts, and stakeholders gather at the UN Forum on Forests. The Forum is the only intergovernmental body with universal membership that deals with all issues related to forests within the UN system. The annual sessions of the Forum provide an opportunity for the forest community to review progress towards the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030 and its six Global Forest Goals. This year, the seventeenth session of the Forum (UNFF17) will be held from 9 to 13 May 2022.